School of Medicine




In the sixty-sixth meeting of the Council for the Development of Medical Sciences Universities, it was agreed to establish the Baqiyatallah Medical Sciences University in 1993.

The Mission and Goals of the Faculty of Medicine Based on the Comprehensive Scientific Plan of 2025

The comprehensive scientific map of the medical school in the horizon of 2025, with the active participation of the experts of the deputy of health, treatment, and medical education under the supervision of the director of the medical faculty, was compiled.

The Vision of the Faculty of Medicine

Advanced, capable, and inspiring, with the highest scientific status in the country and the authority of military medicine knowledge in the region and the Islamic world. Philosophy: A doctor must be a philosopher. It means to have a correct definition of existence, life, human, and health. With the expansion of the scope of human health, physicians need more capabilities to play their role. A medical practitioner must have physical, mental, intellectual, and spiritual health in order to promote it in society.


The Faculty of Medicine fulfills its mission in attracting, training, and employing committed and efficient members through education, research, and the development of knowledge and skills in the fields of basic medical and clinical sciences based on Islamic thought, principles, values, and human dignity.

Our mission is to meet the needs of the armed forces in the field of military medicine, the preservation and improvement of all aspects of health in the armed forces and their families, and, in the next stage, efforts to improve health in Iran.

Major goals:

  1. The reference of military medicine in the region and the Islamic world.2. Being placed in the top five medical faculties of the country 3. Training faithful, committed, expert, and efficient human resources using modern methods of medical science education 5. Production of science and development of knowledge by conducting developmental and applied research with an innovative approach and the priority of military medicine. Quantitative and qualitative improvement of educational activities by implementing national and international accreditation standards 7. Development of military medical knowledge in the fields of education, research, and health services.

Educational strategies:

Competency-Based Medical Education and Holistic Education and Health means simultaneous attention to all aspects of human existence and health in education and provision of health services are the basic strategies of realizing the competencies expected from the graduates of the general medicine course of Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences. The following approaches and methods can be utilized depending on the situation and according to the advice of medical education experts.

Teacher-centered educational strategies and methods

Student-centered educational strategies and methods

Community-oriented educational strategies and methods

Subject-based educational strategies and methods

Outpatient-based strategies and methods

Hospital-based strategies and methods

Problem-based strategies and methods

Task-based strategies and methods


Number of students 691
Number of faculty members 157
The number of educational 21
The number of  educational majors 36
The number of medical training centers 3


The Faculty of Medicine has 691 students at different stages of general, specialized, and sub-specialized doctoral studies and basic medical sciences. With 157 professors of clinical and basic sciences, various educational, therapeutic, and research activities are organized and implemented on a national and international scale.

In addition to training students in general medical doctorates, the Medical School trains specialized and subspecialized assistants in the following 12 specialized groups. The courses include general surgery, internal medicine, radiology, orthopedics, urology, otolaryngology, ophthalmology, pediatrics, gynecology and obstetrics, emergency medicine, physical medicine and rehabilitation, and cardiology. Also, nine basic science education groups, including biochemistry, anatomy, microbiology, physiology, medical physics, immunology, parasitology and mycology, clinical psychology, and Iranian and complementary medicine, participate in various educational and research activities.

For the clinical training of students, the Faculty of Medicine has three specialized and sub-specialized treatment centers, including:

– “Baqiyatallah hospital

– Jamaran Hospital.

– Najmiyeh Mother and Family Specialized Hospital”

Clinical groups are active in every three centers pursuing education, research, and providing medical services.

Majors offered in the Faculty of Medicine

Medical School
Bachelor’s Degree in Laboratory Sciences Urology
Professional Doctorate of General Medicine General Surgery
Master’s Degree in Parasitology Internal Medicine
Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology Cardiology
Master’s Degree in Physiology Physical Medicine
Master’s Degree in Anatomy’s Sciences Anesthesiology
Master’s Degree in Microbiology Radiology
Master’s Degree in Biochemistry Gynecology
PhD Degree in Military Psychology Ophthalmology
PhD Degree in Physiology ENT
PhD Degree in Anatomy’s Science lung diseases
Specialized Degree (Residency) of: Nephrology
Orthopedics Rheumatology
Pediatrics Critical Care Medicine ICU
Emergency Medicine