Medicine and religion


The Research Center for Medicine and Religion is a scientific authority in the fields of medicine and religion, spiritual health, traditional medicine, and human sciences in the field of health in Iran and the region at a world-class level. This center will be able to theorize and apply its achievements in the production of technology and improve the performance of the health system based on the principles of Islam and the local needs of the country.



The mission of this center is to conduct basic and applied research needed by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the armed forces, and the country in the fields of medicine and religion, spiritual health, traditional medicine, and human sciences in the field of health. This center intends to turn Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences into a successful model in the field of science and technology production with an Islamic orientation.


Major goals:

  1. Producing science based on the priorities, needs, and relative advantages of the armed forces and the country and achieving scientific authority.
  2. Strategies for the main goal:

– 1-1 Active and effective scientific interaction with the scientific centers of the country and the armed forces.

– 1-2 Establishing scientific communication with other countries, especially Islamic countries and the region.

– 1-3 Observation, monitoring, and forecasting of science and technology in the fields of health and religion.

Objective goals related to strategy:

– The presence of researchers and faculty members of the center at national and international conferences.

– Creating study opportunities for researchers and faculty members of the center.

– Arranging joint projects with researchers from scientific centers in the country.

1-2- Objective goals related to strategy:

– Arranging joint projects with researchers from scientific centers in other Islamic countries and the region.

– Holding scientific meetings in the presence of researchers from other Islamic countries and the region.


1-3- Objective objectives related to strategy:

– Examining the latest scientific findings in related subjects.

– Designing research projects in the field of monitoring the latest studies related to religion and health.

Major goal 2:

Implementation and application of scientific results in the fields of medicine and religion, spiritual health, traditional medicine, and human sciences in the field of health.

Strategies for the main goal 2:

2-1- Development of education in the fields of medicine and religion, spiritual health, traditional medicine, and human sciences in the field of health.

2-2- Providing the necessary conditions for building culture in order to implement scientific results.

The objective goals of strategies 1-2:

– Interaction with educational centers (activity: signing a memorandum of understanding with educational centers)

– Publication of scientific findings (activity: holding educational workshops, holding theorizing chairs)


Objective goals of strategy 2-2:


– Producing appropriate educational content in line with the center’s mission

– Using the capacity of virtual space


– What, why, and how to realize the Iranian Islamic lifestyle, social health, and spiritual health

– Research in the field of scientific content in ethics, law, medical jurisprudence, and the humanities in the field of health

– Research of medicinal products based on the teachings of traditional medicine and integrated medicine