Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences Research Center

The Research Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences is an institutional research institution in the field of behavioral sciences, in line with the coherence and integration of educational and research activities, responding to the existing needs of the armed forces, monitoring research and educational needs, new scientific discoveries and innovation, and breaking the boundaries of knowledge; producing indigenous knowledge and technology based on Islamic culture; and implementing missions required by the armed forces with offensive and defensive purposes in the field of cognitive and behavioral sciences.



The Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences Research Center officially started its activity in the summer of 1998 under the title “Behavioral Sciences Research Center.” The center was approved by the Council for the Development of Medical Sciences Universities of the Ministry of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education in 2001.


The Behavioral Sciences Research Center currently has six scientific departments: mental health, military psychology, crisis and organizational studies, family studies, addiction, social damage, and assessment. The organizational chart of the center is as follows:


Governing policies:

1- Developing and deepening the culture of self-belief, self-sufficiency, innovation, and creativity in order to achieve scientific authority at all levels and dimensions related to cognitive and behavioral sciences.

2- Promoting the software movement, the production and development of science and technology, research, and movement beyond the boundaries of knowledge with an emphasis on localization and modernity.

3- Obtaining the superior technologies needed in the field of cognitive and behavioral sciences with an emphasis on innovation and supporting their development.

4- Emphasis on the country’s self-sufficiency in priority knowledge, systems, products, and services in the field of cognitive and behavioral sciences.

5- Striving for self-sufficiency and cutting dependence in the field of cognitive and behavioral sciences from abroad, except to the extent of necessity and, even if possible, observing the following considerations:


– With the priority of technology transfer.

– Providing training and support.

– Supply from various sources.

6- Attracting the participation of other sectors, both governmental and non-governmental, in meeting the needs of the armed forces in the field of cognitive and behavioral sciences.

7- Attracting, empowering, and employing talented and elite forces by providing the fields of growth and strengthening them to improve the development capabilities of knowledge and technologies needed by the country in the field of cognitive and behavioral sciences.

8- Establishing communication and cooperation with other countries, especially Islamic and friendly countries, in scientific, research, technological, and commercial fields of goods and services in the field of cognitive and behavioral sciences to achieve the goals of general self-sufficiency policies.

9- Scientometrics, future research, and evaluation of the direction of research institutions in the field of cognitive and behavioral sciences around the world.

General strategies:

1- Compilation of coherent policies, roadmaps, and implementation of long-term, medium-term, and short-term plans in the direction of innovation, prosperity, and breaking the boundaries of knowledge in the fields of behavioral sciences and the production of knowledge-based products and wealth in this way in line with the goals of the General Staff of the Armed Forces and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

2- Up-to-date study, periodical needs assessment, observation, and future planning and drawing the road map of educational, research, and therapeutic activities in the field of cognitive and behavioral sciences.

3- Production of indigenous knowledge based on Islamic culture in the field of behavioral sciences includes mental health, spiritual health, family health, lifestyle, organizational excellence, sexual health, cognitive empowerment (thinking and decision-making), cognitive empowerment (increasing alertness and relieving fatigue), sleep, stress, crisis and risky behaviors, post-traumatic stress disorder, addiction, business engineering, education, and training of the generation.

4- Acquiring, compiling, and presenting protocols, models, and comprehensive plans in the field of prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation in the field of cognitive and behavioral sciences.


5- Implementation of research, educational, and intervention programs and plans with the aim of providing mind engineering technology, perception management, analysis, and behavior management

6- Planning, coordinating, and implementing joint scientific and research projects with other research centers and scientific institutions inside and outside the country.

7- Setting up additional education courses (Master’s degree and Ph.D.) and fellowship and subspeciality training courses; the exchange of professors; accepting scholarships; holding joint courses in cooperation with universities and other educational and research departments of the country.

8- Training committed specialists in the field of cognitive and behavioral sciences and improving and promoting the level of knowledge and skills of specialists and experts.

9- Recognizing the psychological and social damages of the organization, providing prevention methods, and improving the performance of the organization.

10- Compilation of mental health indicators and their monitoring in military forces; provision of strategies for counseling and treatment services; and optimization of the treatment system.

11- Examining and presenting strategies for using psychological and sociological principles in order to maintain and improve the country’s defense infrastructure.