
International Campus of Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences



Today admission of students from other countries as a dynamic coherent scientific and cultural interaction plays a fundamental role in the progress and development of all societies are necessary. The building and extension of basic infrastructure and essential facilities are required to achieve this goal.

The   international campus was established in 2017 with the approval of the University Board of Trustees with the aim of scientific interaction with different countries and started its formal activity in March 2019 with the license of the Ministry of Health. Due to its strong academic capacity and the presence of outstanding professors Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences offers various universities majors from undergraduate, doctoral, specialized, and sub-specialized.

In addition, scholarships will be granted to international students on the condition that they meet specific requirements and qualifications. As well as empowering cross-sectional programs are presented in the field of community health for international students comprehensively. This university intends to extend its activities in the international domain, in order to develop the necessary capacities to provide constructive scientific exchanges and joint research projects with other countries.

Baqiyatallah University International Campus is now actively playing a central role as the international branch of the university in various fields of education and hopes to be among the most influential international campuses of medical sciences in the Middle East and Islamic countries soon.

Missions of the campus and the international vice-chancellor of the university.

  • The International Campus of Baqiyatallah University seeks to develop educational diplomacy, research, and technology with neighboring countries, the region, and the world in line with the objectives of the Islamic Revolution.


  • Development to attract international students with priority from friendly and neighboring countries and resistance front for the purpose of their scientific empowerment.
  • Contracts for cooperation on education, research, and technology with scientific and medical centers in other countries.
  • Development of university teaching programs on the international scene based on regional needs and upstream documents. Introducing the scientific, research, and technological capacities of Baqiyatallah University to participate in large international health projects.
  • Developing infrastructures based on modern educational technologies and virtual systems for an international audience.
  • Improving the skills of faculty members, researchers, and university students in the international arena.
  • Establishment of a comprehensive center for international professional and skill training in the field of health of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (This center is in charge of holding all short-term and empowering training leading to University certificates in the field of health for international audiences).


  • Development of health cooperation, treatment, and provision of health services at the level of Friendly and neighboring countries.
  • The international campus of Baqiyatallah University is very interested in having Partnerships with other countries for scientific and administrative support to prepare vaccines, medicines, and other medical products.
  • Development and reinforcement of healthcare tourism.


  • We will help friendly and neighboring countries provide specialized medical staff by training and empowering international students and sending professors and qualified medical staff.


  • It aims to expand exchanges with neighboring countries, strengthen cultural exchanges between nations, and bring religions closer together.

The aim is to introduce Iranian Islamic cultural elements to the university’s international audience.


  • Policymaking, planning, follow-up, and monitoring of all international activities of the university.

To achieve synergy between Vice-Chancellors and subordinate centers in line with the university’s internationalization goals.